Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Life continues...

Connor and I have been in Pittsburgh for almost 3 months now. God has blessed and challenged us in many ways this summer. Here is a summary of our lives the past three months:

1. Urban Impact Foundation Summer Day Camp - Connor and I were both teachers this summer for an inner city high-risk youth. Connor had the 5th grade boys and I had the 5th grade girls. We have taught there before and loved the challenge and the relationships that were built. God taught me a lot about patience and unconditional love. He also showed me what it really means to be completely open to His plans rather than my own.

2. I have a job! - Part of the reason we decided to move back to Pittsburgh was because there was a chance I would be able to get my "dream" job right after college. This "dream" job is a liaison position between Urban Impact Foundation and Christ Church at Grove Farm. I have always wanted to work for an inner-city ministry and I am very passionate about bridging the gap between urban and suburban churches/ministries. I am really looking forward to see what God has in store! I officially start September 1st. Here I come adulthood!

3. Back to school, back to school! - Connor will be attending CCAC this year to take prerequisite courses in order to be admitted into Pitt's Professional Year program. This program will allow him to become certified to teach in PA and also be 18 credits into a 36 credit hour Masters in Education. I am so excited that he is finally able to start something that will enable him to work towards gifting and desire to teach children. Connor also found out this past weekend that he was offered a part-time job at KinderCare. It will be for an after-school program for kids k-8th grade.

4. Bevie B. - Bevie B. is our new car! We really needed a 2nd car with the start of my new job and Connor going to school. She is a 2004 black Toyota Corolla. Bev was our first major purchase as a married couple. It was really scary how much money we were spending on one item! Welcome to married life/adulthood.

5. Inter-generational living - When moving back to Pittsburgh we thought we would only be living with my parents for a month or two. Well, plans change and our moving date is TBA. We have really enjoyed living with my dad, Becca, Sam, and Ben. My grandmother will also be moving in with us for a little. It will be three generations in one home! Family is something that many people take for granted and I so grateful to be living daily life with Connor and the rest of my family. It is a pretty counter-cultural idea.

Those are the major updates from the summer. Sometime, within the next week hopefully I will be able to expand more on what I have been learning throughout this incredible summer.